قبايل نجد. بين زعماء قبائل نجد

Saudi Arabia: A Country Study Beeston 'Written Arabic: an approach to the basic structures' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 32, pp 607• The Great Islamic Conquests AD 632-750 By David Nicolle p
BM Report of Trustees 1981-84, pp Ahmad Mustafa Abu-Hakima History of Eastern Arabia, 1750-1800: The Rise and Development of Bahrain, Kuwait and Wahhabi Saudi Arabia p

بين زعماء قبائل نجد

Ethnography Of Middle-East And Central Asia 3 Vols.

قبائل عامر بن صعصعة
Al-Ansary, Qaryat Al-Fau: A Portrait Of Pre-Islamic Civilisation In Saudi Arabia, 1982, University of Riyadh Saudi Arabia , p
أسماء القبائل السعودية
Madawi al-Rasheed A History of Saudi Arabia p
أشهر 10 قبائل في المملكة.. وهذه هي أنسابهم
GPO for the Library of Congress• Culture and Customs of Saudi Arabia Culture and Customs of the Middle East
Alfred Felix Landon Beeston,Namar and Faw 1979 pp Al-Yamama in the Early Islamic Era
Reading, UK: Ithaca Press, 2002 Ahmad Mustafa Abu-Hakima History of Eastern Arabia, 1750-1800: The Rise and Development of Bahrain, Kuwait and Wahhabi Saudi Arabia p

قبائل شمر


أسماء القبائل السعودية
Madawi al-Rasheed A History of Saudi Arabia p
حروب قبائل غامد.دفاعا عن العرض والأرض وفزعتهم لمن استنجد بهم. وهزيمتهم للترك مع أبناء العمومة زهران.
com, USA International Business Publications Us Saudi Arabia Diplomatic and Political Cooperation Handbook p
قبيلة (عنزة)
Madawi al-Rasheed A History of Saudi Arabia p
Madawi al-Rasheed History of Saudi Arabia p The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity edited by Scott Fitzgerald p
Franz Altheim,Geschichte der Hunnen Berlin, De Gruyter, 1959 p " The Encyclopedia of Islam, Volume X

لهجة العتبان وبعض قبائل نجد


قبائل نجد
"The Saud Family and Salafi Islam"
اقدم القبائل التي سكنت نجد ومازالت [الأرشيف]
Madawi al-Rasheed A History of Saudi Arabia p
معجم قبائل الحجاز
Ethnography Of Middle-East And Central Asia 3 Vols