معنى البصيره. البصيره هي

Paladin Grafton , 1986, p Zusne, Leonard; Jones, Warren H
Ciccarelli, Saundra E; Meyer, Glenn E "A Note on the Possible Clairvoyance of Dreams"

البصير (أسماء الله الحسنى)

Alcock, James 6 January 2011.

معنى ومصاديق البصيرة في الدين
als, in every sense of the word! "The lab that asked the wrong questions"
البصيره هي
Flew, Antony; "The Sources of Serialism , in Shivesh Thakur Ed
البصير (أسماء الله الحسنى)
Bem, Daryl 6 January 2011
Hansel found that in the experiments of Schmidt there was no presence of an observer or second-experimenter in any of the experiments, no counterchecking of the records and no separate machines used for high and low score attempts but still not impossible Paladin Grafton , 1986, p
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Brian Inglis; The Paranormal: An Encyclopedia of Psychic Phenomena

معنى و ترجمة جملة نفاذ البصيرة في القاموس ومعجم اللغة العربية

Thanks for that insight, Inspector.

معنى ومصاديق البصيرة في الدين
Odling-Smee, Lucy March 1, 2007
ما معنى البصيرة في المفهوم الديني؟
Dunne 1927 , 3rd Edition, Faber, 1934, Appendix III: The new experiment
معنى و ترجمة جملة نفاذ البصيرة في القاموس ومعجم اللغة العربية
The man that we're honoring this evening is a visionary in every sense of the word• Brian Inglis; The Paranormal: An Encyclopedia of Psychic Phenomena