سوره طه. سورة طه للزواج مجربه وأكثر من فوائد للزواج بسور القرآن الكريم تتعرفون عليه في هذا الموضوع،

﴿50﴾• ﴿71﴾• ﴿89﴾• ﴿45﴾• ﴿56﴾• ﴿55﴾• ﴿31﴾• ﴿120﴾• ﴿116﴾• ﴿132﴾• ﴿35﴾• thy sister goeth forth and saith, 'shall I show you one who will nurse and rear the child? ﴿102﴾• ﴿59﴾• ﴿28﴾• ﴿6﴾• ﴿123﴾• ﴿42﴾• ﴿113﴾• ﴿40﴾• ﴿46﴾• ﴿81﴾• ﴿84﴾• ﴿127﴾• ﴿12﴾• ﴿34﴾• ﴿118﴾• ﴿135﴾
﴿67﴾• ﴿20﴾• ﴿5﴾• ﴿126﴾• ﴿32﴾• ﴿15﴾• ﴿97﴾• ﴿30﴾• ﴿62﴾• ﴿44﴾• ﴿21﴾• ﴿128﴾• ﴿106﴾• ﴿51﴾• ﴿88﴾• ﴿75﴾• ﴿49﴾• ' So We brought thee back to thy mother, that her eye might be cooled and she should not grieve ﴿76﴾• ﴿122﴾• ﴿112﴾• ﴿82﴾• ﴿48﴾• be sure I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will have you crucified on trunks of palm-trees: so shall ye know for certain, which of us can give the more severe and the more lasting punishment! Pharaoh said: "Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? ﴿100﴾• ﴿10﴾• ﴿7﴾• ﴿91﴾• ﴿105﴾• ﴿93﴾• ﴿64﴾• ﴿124﴾• ﴿134﴾• ﴿22﴾• ﴿78﴾• Then didst thou tarry a number of years with the people of Midian

متن سوره طه

﴿83﴾• ﴿96﴾• ﴿29﴾• ﴿61﴾• ﴿47﴾• ﴿69﴾• ﴿4﴾• Then thou didst slay a man, but We saved thee from trouble, and We tried thee in various ways.

Surah Taha
﴿73﴾• ﴿52﴾• ﴿54﴾• ﴿24﴾• ﴿9﴾• ﴿107﴾• ﴿77﴾• ﴿39﴾• ﴿92﴾• ﴿109﴾• ﴿95﴾• ﴿131﴾• ﴿70﴾• ﴿33﴾• ﴿37﴾• ﴿98﴾• ﴿11﴾• ﴿111﴾• ﴿3﴾• ﴿2﴾• ﴿41﴾• Surely this must be your leader, who has taught you magic! ﴿63﴾• ﴿53﴾• ﴿101﴾• ﴿90﴾• ﴿23﴾• ﴿16﴾• ﴿19﴾• ﴿60﴾• ﴿38﴾• ﴿119﴾• ﴿115﴾• ﴿36﴾• ﴿66﴾• ﴿103﴾• ﴿26﴾• ﴿13﴾• ﴿58﴾• ﴿65﴾• ﴿133﴾• ﴿121﴾• ﴿17﴾• ﴿94﴾• ﴿57﴾• ﴿87﴾• ﴿18﴾• ﴿27﴾• ﴿72﴾• ﴿110﴾• ﴿104﴾• ﴿8﴾• Then didst thou come hither as ordained, O Moses! ﴿108﴾• ﴿79﴾• ﴿125﴾• ﴿86﴾• ﴿129﴾• ﴿80﴾• ﴿85﴾• ﴿14﴾• ﴿43﴾• ﴿68﴾• ﴿130﴾• ﴿74﴾• ﴿99﴾• ﴿117﴾• ﴿114﴾• ﴿25﴾• ﴿1﴾• "'Throw the child into the chest, and throw the chest into the river: the river will cast him up on the bank, and he will be taken up by one who is an enemy to Me and an enemy to him': But I cast the garment of love over thee from Me: and this in order that thou mayest be reared under Mine eye
سورة طه للزواج مجربه وأكثر من فوائد للزواج بسور القرآن الكريم تتعرفون عليه في هذا الموضوع،
سوره طه/متن و ترجمه

فضل سورة طه


سورة طه للزواج مجربه وأكثر من فوائد للزواج بسور القرآن الكريم تتعرفون عليه في هذا الموضوع،
فضیلت و خواص سوره طه