﴿50﴾• ﴿71﴾• ﴿89﴾• ﴿45﴾• ﴿56﴾• ﴿55﴾• ﴿31﴾• ﴿120﴾• ﴿116﴾• ﴿132﴾• | ﴿35﴾• thy sister goeth forth and saith, 'shall I show you one who will nurse and rear the child? ﴿102﴾• ﴿59﴾• ﴿28﴾• ﴿6﴾• ﴿123﴾• ﴿42﴾• ﴿113﴾• ﴿40﴾• ﴿46﴾• ﴿81﴾• ﴿84﴾• ﴿127﴾• ﴿12﴾• ﴿34﴾• ﴿118﴾• ﴿135﴾ |
﴿67﴾• ﴿20﴾• ﴿5﴾• ﴿126﴾• ﴿32﴾• ﴿15﴾• ﴿97﴾• ﴿30﴾• ﴿62﴾• ﴿44﴾• ﴿21﴾• ﴿128﴾• ﴿106﴾• ﴿51﴾• ﴿88﴾• ﴿75﴾• ﴿49﴾• ' So We brought thee back to thy mother, that her eye might be cooled and she should not grieve | ﴿76﴾• ﴿122﴾• ﴿112﴾• ﴿82﴾• ﴿48﴾• be sure I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will have you crucified on trunks of palm-trees: so shall ye know for certain, which of us can give the more severe and the more lasting punishment! Pharaoh said: "Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? ﴿100﴾• ﴿10﴾• ﴿7﴾• ﴿91﴾• ﴿105﴾• ﴿93﴾• ﴿64﴾• ﴿124﴾• ﴿134﴾• ﴿22﴾• ﴿78﴾• Then didst thou tarry a number of years with the people of Midian |
﴿83﴾• ﴿96﴾• ﴿29﴾• ﴿61﴾• ﴿47﴾• ﴿69﴾• ﴿4﴾• Then thou didst slay a man, but We saved thee from trouble, and We tried thee in various ways.