والشعراء يتبعهم الغاوون. وَالشُّعَرَاءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ، وإنّ مِن البيان لسحراً

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan penyairpenyair itu diikuti oleh orangorang yang sesat• But if in spite of seeing and knowing the difference, only for the purpose of suppressing the Truth, he says that Muhammad upon whom be Allah's peace and his Companions are no different from the poets and their followers, he is not only a liar but has also transgressed all bounds of modesty and decency On other side, there are the people whose only pastime is to portray erotic scenes of love and wine-drinking, mocking and jesting, satirizing and eulogizing, or to arouse feelings of hatred and enmity and vengeance against others, or to describe charms of unchaste women to the brothel or of chaste ladies in the houses, only for the sake of pleasing the people and winning their applause
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan Ahliahli syair itu diturut oleh golongan yang sesat tidak berketentuan hala• English - Sahih International : And the poets - [only] the deviators follow them;• From the crowds who throng the poetic sessions and follow the "famous" poets, one cannot help forming the impression that those people are free from every moral restriction, who have no object in life except to gratify the lusts of the flesh like animals, and who have no idea whatever of the higher and nobler ideals and ends of life


Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na watungaji mashairi ni wapotofu ndio wanawafuata• On the one side, there are the people who are characterised by the high seriousness, civilized and gentle behaviour, righteousness and fear of God, sense of responsibility and a high regard for the rights of others; people who are fair and just in their dealings,.

آیه 224 سوره شعراء
Spanish - Cortes : En cuanto a los poetas les siguen los descarriados• Bosanski - Korkut : A zavedeni slijede pjesnike• The person who cannot see the obvious difference between the two types is indeed blind
سبب نزول سورة الشعراء
who do not utter a word except in the cause of goodness, who have a high and pure ideal before them, which they pursue with single-minded devotion and for whose attainment they expend all their energies and capabilities
والشعراء يتبعهم الغاوون
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 诗人们被迷误者所跟随。 Italiano - Piccardo : E quanto ai poeti sono i traviati che li seguono• Somali - Abduh : Gabayaana waxaa Raaca kuwa Baadida ah• The difference between the two groups is so obvious that one group can be easily distinguished from the other

د. أحمد جبر: والشعراء يتّبعهم الغاوون.. إلاّ


وَالشُّعَرَاءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُونَ، وإنّ مِن البيان لسحراً
(والشعراء يتبعهم الغاوون).. دعوة للتأمل في حال الصحابة