مما تتكون الخليه. مكونات الخلية العصبية

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"The organization of ribosomal RNA processing correlates with the distribution of nucleolar snRNAs" Robinson ed The Oxford Companion to Wine Third Edition p 54 Oxford University Press 2006• Jesse Gray; Shana Groeschler; Tony Le; Zara Gonzalez 2002

تركيب الخلية ووظائف مكوناتها

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

مما يتكون الفيروس
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al
Johnson, KA; Rosenbaum, JL 1992
تركيب الخلية ووظائف مكوناتها
Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Walter: "Molecular Biology of the Cell", Fourth Edition, Copyright 2002 P
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"Metabolism of oxygen radicals in peroxisomes and cellular implications" New York: Scientific American Books


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مما تتكون الخلية العصبية
Fundamentals of Biochemistry, 2nd Edition
مكونات الخلية العصبية
Hooke called the pores cells because they re- minded him of the cells inhabited by monks living in a monastery
تركيب الخلية ووظائف مكوناتها
Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall
The Journal of General Physiology Pugacheva EN, Jablonski SA, Hartman TR, Henske EP, Golemis EA June 2007
Doherty GJ, McMahon HT 2008 "Birth of a nucleolus: the evolution of nucleolar compartments"

مما يتكون الفيروس

Hao, L; Thein M; Brust-Mascher I; Civelekoglu-Scholey G; Lu Y; Acar S; Prevo B; Shaham S; Scholey JM 2011.

14 من مكونات تركيب الخلية الحيوانية
"Ribosome binding of a single copy of the SecY complex: implications for protein translocation"
مما تتكون الخلايا ؟
مما تتكون الخلية العصبية
The Immune System," Garland Science Publishing, New York, NY