السماد الذي يصنع من النباتات والحيوانات الميته يسمى. سماد

Advances in Fertilizer Technology: Synthesis Vol1 Processing of optical lenses and metal parts - We are constantly sticking to Made in Japan at our domestic factories, consistently doing adjustment and inspection by assembling electronic
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Mikelonis, Anne; Boe, Timothy; Calfee, Worth; Lee, Sang Don 2018

سماد طبيعي

Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture.

سماد طبيعي
Assessment of the possible phytotoxicity of a substrate using an easy and representative biotest
تحليل النباتات
Diener, Stefan; Studt Solano, Nandayure M
سماد طبيعي
"Development of models for predicting carbon mineralization and associated phytotoxicity in compost-amended soil"
"The case for mandatory composting" Oxfordshire, UK Cambridge, MA: CABI
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii Compost maturity - problems associated with testing

سماد طبيعي

Santos, M; Dianez, F; Carretero, F 2011.

Li, Qing; Zheng, Longyu; Cai, Hao; Garza, E
تحليل النباتات
Field Guide to On-Farm Composting
سماد طبيعي
Ithaca, New York: Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service