بذور القرع. كيفية استخدام بذور القرع وأهم فوائدها

Patel, Seema 27-6-2013 , , Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, Issue 6, Folder 3, Page 183-189 Fowler, Julian 28 October 2005
The Day We Celebrate: Thanksgiving Treated Gastronomically and Socially, The New York Times, Nov Handbook of Plant Breeding: Vegetables I

فوائد بذور اليقطين ٢٠ فائدة لجسمك

"Odd Ornaments for Table," The New York Times, Oct.

فوائد واضرار بذور اليقطين
In Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia 8th ed
زيت القرع أو زيت بذور اليقطين: فوائده وطرق استخدامه
Naturwissenschaften 94 11 : 935—939
: University of North Carolina Press, 2004
a b The Oxford companion to American food and drink "Physicochemical and physiological basis of dichromatic colour" PDF
"On the color of transparent substances, in Current Psychological Research in Austria" PDF "Tip 75 — Pumpkin for cats — pumpkin for dogs — Pumpkin for diarrhea or constipation"

فوائد بذور اليقطين: 11 فائدة مُثبتة علمياً

University of Florida IFAS Extension.

فوائد بذور اليقطين ٢٠ فائدة لجسمك
Hide it [the great carbuncle] under thy cloak, say'st thou? Issues in new crops and new uses
"Turnip battles with pumpkin for Hallowe'en"
فوائد واضرار بذور اليقطين
"Medicinal and biological potential of pumpkin: an updated review"
Fleming, and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan1 2011 , , Indian Journal of Urology, Issue 1, Folder 27, Page 14-18 Daily News Kingston, Ontario , November 1, 1866:• America's Founding Food: The Story of New England Cooking
The New Food Lover's Companion 3rd ed Heeok Hong, Chun-Soo Kim, and Sungho Maeng 31-12-2009 , , Nutrition Research and Practice, Issue 3, Folder 4, Page 323-327

تناول بذور اليقطين

"Vitamin A in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" 45.

٩ اسباب عظيمة لتناول بذور القرع أو البزر الأبيض
"Nutrition facts for pumpkin seeds, whole, roasted, without salt"
كيفية استخدام بذور القرع وأهم فوائدها
"Factors Affecting Egg Production in Backyard Chicken Flocks"
فوائد بذور القرع مذهلة !!
In The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition