ما القلب. ما هو القلب وأهميته في جسم الإنسان؟

, De usu partium corporis humani "The Use of the Parts of the Human Body" , book 6 Bradycardia — Slow heart rate
Abdennour, Samia 2010 "Firakh mahshiya wi mihammara", recipe 117, Egyptian Cooking: And Other Middle Eastern Recipes , American University in Cairo Press In: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

تسرع القلب

Sinus tachycardia: Evaluation and management.

بطء القلب
"Galen and the beginnings of Western physiology"
7 معلومات عن سبب وجع القلب
Indonesia Magazine, 25 1994 , p
توقف القلب المفاجئ
"Discovery of the cardiovascular system: from Galen to William Harvey" "Why Does the Heart Beat? Graham, I; Atar, D; Borch-Johnsen, K; Boysen, G; Burell, G; Cifkova, R; Dallongeville, J; De Backer, G; Ebrahim, S; Gjelsvik, B; Herrmann-Lingen, C; Hoes, A; Humphries, S; Knapton, M; Perk, J; Priori, SG; Pyorala, K; Reiner, Z; Ruilope, L; Sans-Menendez, S; Scholte op Reimer, W; Weissberg, P; Wood, D; Yarnell, J; Zamorano, JL; Walma, E; Fitzgerald, T; Cooney, MT; Dudina, A; European Society of Cardiology ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines, CPG Oct 2007
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ; Loscalzo, Joseph August 11, 2011

ما هو القلب وأهميته في جسم الإنسان؟

Journal of Comparative Physiology B.

توقف القلب المفاجئ
In: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
ما هو القلب وأهميته في جسم الإنسان؟
Lifestyle changes for heart failure
7 معلومات عن سبب وجع القلب
"European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: executive summary: Fourth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice Constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts "
CPR steps: Learn how to save a life National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

تسرع القلب

Definition and classification of the cardiomyopathies.

ما خطورة ارتفاع إنزيمات القلب ؟ .. وكم المعدلات الطبيعية
Warning signs of a heart attack
ما هي وظيفة القلب
"Form and function in the vascular system"
ما الصلة بين بعض اللقاحات والتهابات عضلة القلب؟
"Electroanatomic Analysis of Sinus Impulse Propagation in Normal Human Atria"