اضرار التدخين. أضرار التدخين : الآثار الاجتماعية والعقلية والنفسية

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology "Nicotine use in schizophrenia: the self medication hypotheses"
"Smoking and carcinoma of the lung "Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease: an analysis controlling for tobacco industry affiliation"

اضرار التدخين علي كل اجهزة جسم الانسان

Gurillo, Pedro; Jauhar, Sameer; Murray, Robin M; MacCabe, James H July 2015.

اضرار التدخين على الجسم
Anstey KJ, von Sanden C, Salim A, O'Kearney R Aug 2007
الآثار الصحية للتدخين
Nyboe J, Jensen G, Appleyard M, Schnohr P
الآثار الصحية للتدخين
Stress and arousal modulation during cigarette smoking"
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research: The Official Journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research OPCS Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity Report 3: Economic Activity and Social Functioning of Adults With Psychiatric Disorders
The New England Journal of Medicine "Cigarette smoking and major depression"

اضرار التدخين على الصحة

"Smoking as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease: contrasting evidence from a systematic review of case-control and cohort studies".

7 من أبرز أسباب التدخين وأضراره
African Smoking and Pipes, The Journal of African History, Vol
أضرار التدخين على المجتمع
"Does cigarette smoking cause stress? Sacco KA, Bannon KL, George TP Dec 2004
اضرار التدخين علي كل اجهزة جسم الانسان
"Smoking and Parkinson's disease: systematic review of prospective studies"
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

أخطار التدخين وأضراره: إليك اهمها!

Smoking, drinking, and drug use in young adulthood: the impacts of new freedoms and new responsibilities.

أضرار التدخين على المجتمع
Wilbert, Johannes 1993 Tobacco and Shamanism in South America• ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ما هي أضرار التدخين
23 2 Suppl : 39S—42S
اضرار التدخين علي كل اجهزة جسم الانسان
"Depression and the dynamics of smoking