ارقام الاسهم. سوق أبوظبي للأوراق المالية

Number of Weddings Many States have not published their 2020 numbers yet, so we might be months from knowing the exact number 6 million weddings with some surge in 2022, 2023, and 2024
We believe that the number of weddings will come in between 1 It really depends on the State and what they allow or not

ارقام : اخبار ومعلومات سوق الأسهم السعودي

NOTE: all markets have been updated to support the current 2020 spending and number of weddings forecasts out to 2024.

رموز الشركات المدرجة
We want to thank everyone who used NetMarketShare over the years
ارقام السوق السعودي
This is higher than expected, but keep in mind full weddings took place the first quarter of 2020 and have completely different restrictions on gatherings
So, instead of accepting increasing levels of inaccuracy, we thought it would be a good time to call it a day
Note that support for one particular version of Vulkan also implies support for any lower version for example, support for version 1 We're working to improve the insights we provide to you about the Android ecosystem and the ways we're accelerating updates to Android devices, such as through Project Treble, the Android Beta program, security updates and more
October, 2020 is the last month of data Based on what couples and vendors are saying in our surveys, 2021 will look remarkably similar to 2020

رموز الشركات المدرجة

But we do not believe that surge over 3 years will be enough to recover the loses.

ارقام : اخبار ومعلومات سوق الأسهم السعودي
If you want to see statistics just for the devices on which users are running your app, you can use the Google Play Console
Operating system market share
0 also implies support for 1
Operating system market share
All the best, The NetMarketshare Team