مهارات التواصل مع الاخر. مهارات الاتصال

Delivered training courses in Jordan, KSA and Dubai Meyers 2004 : CRA and CRAFT: Behavioral Approaches to Treating Substance-Abusing Individuals - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5
The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 3 , 331 -335 BAO• Romanczyk, Sara White, and Jennifer M JEIBI 2 3 , Pg

الإتصال والتواصل الإستراتيجي الفعال مع الآخرين

The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 3 , 244—54• Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim: Treatment and Prevention, 1 4 , 42-51• The Behavior Analyst Today, 6 1 , 65-81.

كيفية تحسين مهارات التواصل مع الآخرين (صور توضيحية)
The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 3 , 331 -335 BAO• Children's social skills training: A meta-analysis
مهارات اجتماعية
Psychological Skills Training: Issues and Controversies
كورس سيت
The Behavior Analyst Today, 4 3 , 331 -335 BAO
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 4 3 , 532-548 4 , Page 391 -404• I held many corporate senior positions including Head of Market research and Intelligence, Head of broadband product development, Chief Operations officer, Director of Marketing and customer care, Technical operations director and many others
I have a rich industry experience in Telecommunication, Internet Service Provider, Banking and Personal Computers Uekermann J, Daum I 2008

مهارات الاتصال

Meyers 2004 : CRA and CRAFT: Behavioral Approaches to Treating Substance-Abusing Individuals - The Behavior Analyst Today, 5.

كيفية تحسين مهارات التواصل مع الآخرين (صور توضيحية)
Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 4 3 , 532-548
مهارات الاتصال
"A review of social skills deficits in individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and prenatal alcohol exposure: profiles, mechanisms, and interventions"
كورس سيت
"Social cognition in alcoholism: a link to prefrontal cortex dysfunction? Social skills interventions for preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A description of single - subject design studies
Uekermann J, Daum I 2008 Adolesc Med State Art Rev
, Handbook of psychological skills training: Clinical techniques and applications pp Functional Analysis of Behavior in Corrections: Empowering Inmates in Skills Training Groups

الإتصال والتواصل الإستراتيجي الفعال مع الآخرين

The Behavior Analyst Today, 5 3 , 244—54• 4 , Page 391 -404• I have more than twenty seven years of professional experience working in Jordan and the Gulf region.

مهارات الاتصال
19 2 : 278—99, x
إتقان فن التواصل مع الآخرين وأهم طرق التعامل مع الآخرين
Adolesc Med State Art Rev
كيفية تحسين مهارات التواصل مع الآخرين (صور توضيحية)
I held many corporate senior positions including Head of Market research and Intelligence, Head of broadband product development, Chief Operations officer, Director of Marketing and customer care, Technical operations director and many others