بعد خلع ضرس العقل. خلع الضرس وآثار ما بعد خلعه وكيفية علاجه

What to do following an extraction "[Decision making of Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University Dental Schools graduates in every day dentistry--is there a difference?
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons "[Decision making of Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University Dental Schools graduates in every day dentistry--is there a difference? What is the risk of future extraction of asymptomatic third molars? Zadik Y, Levin L 2006

مضاعفات خلع ضرس العقل

Surgical removal versus retention for the management of asymptomatic impacted wisdom teeth.

مضاعفات خلع ضرس العقل
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
خلع الضرس وآثار ما بعد خلعه وكيفية علاجه
23 2 : 19—23, 65
تعليمات للمتعالج بعد الخضوع لعلاج جراحي بالفم
The Merck Manual Professional Edition
23 2 : 19—23, 65 Surgical techniques for the removal of mandibular wisdom teeth
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery "Analysis of factors related to extraction of endodontically treated teeth"

طبيب البوابة: نصائح هامة بعد خلع ضرس العقل

The Merck Manual Professional Edition.

خلع الضرس وآثار ما بعد خلعه وكيفية علاجه
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
خلع ضرس العقل
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
مضاعفات خلع ضرس العقل
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod