كم رواء ابو هريره حديث. Berbagi Faedah Ilmiyyah Di Bulan Dzulhijjah 1435 H

With what words do we write poetry that flows with beauty and passion…when death is storming the lands with its reckless winds that uproots peace, riding its demented horse reeking havoc at will in every direction in every hour of every day unabated? Despite the slaughters, we shall never be despised Sebelum datang hari-hari yang tidak bermanfaat lagi penyesalan…
Ulama telah berbagi pendapat dalam masalah ini kepada tiga pendapat

(الرد على علي حسن الحلبي (رفع اللائمة عن فتوى اللجنة الدائمة


كتاب : الجامع لأحكام القرآن 28
Mereka berdalil dengan hadith Abu Hurairah: Hadith menunjukkan bahwa tidak suci air liur anjing, maka suci lawannya adalah najis bukan sekadar kotor sahaja…kerana kotor lawannya bersih
Berbagi Faedah Ilmiyyah Di Bulan Dzulhijjah 1435 H
33 34 35 36 37 38• What sweets can bring happiness to our children at a time dominated by slaughters, burnings and lockups? What harm befalls the sunlight when a cloud passes by? Has it been stunted, has it been dwarfed? Semoga Alloh memberikan taufiq kpd kita semua… Baca Tulisan Sebelumnya di Link Bawah Ini:• Never once have I stood silent when calamities struck or befallen it and blood poured on its soil… Never have I committed shameful foolishness towards it So, why did it today fall into disgrace… Who is behind the humiliation of a nation that once was the noblest in the world? What waters will quench our thirst… when the pure spring has dried out and its water turned sour to the drinkers? Bukhory] Kesempatan emas ini jangan kita sia-siakan, perbanyak amalan sholeh padanya, baik berupa: sholat, puasa, shodaqoh, dzikir, baca alquran, dll…
معلومات عن أبي سعيد الخدري
With what love can we embrace the tranquil days by burying the hatred that now was ignited by the trashy mob, snatched peace out of the heartbeats, and ignited with hatred the embrace of spring and its spirit
The dignity of our people will always remain above what they planned for us, and will never yield to the pains of the years We shall live by faith We shall persevere by faith And we shall overcome the anguish …… Atsar ini diriwayatkan oleh Muhammad bin Nasr Al-Marwazy dengan sanad yang sohih

تهذيب التهذيب

A nation that I would rove, in rapture, enamoured by its aspects of pride; immersed in poetry every now and again? How could a grieving heart rejoice in a Feast? What do I care if it was stunted or kicked or battered when the children on the land of peace are slaughtered like lambs, and the people all over the world have been struck by silence? What anguish should matter to us more than the slaughter of our young and old and the violation of our honour, when the eyes of the world are closed shut and their hearts are distracted away from our misery? Ringkasnya masing-masing pendapat kuat hujjahnya dan mempunyai dalil dari hadith sohih.

كم روى ابو هريره من الأحاديث
We Shall Live by Faith …
أبو سعيد الخدري
Or has its head, which once was a shining beacon, been kicked and battered? The light of the truth will never fade even when ceaseless passing clouds fill the sky Everything comes to an end; this is the undeniable truth I will continue to scream without fear
معلومات عن أبي سعيد الخدري