دوران الارض حول الشمس. القمر

Planetary Science Research Discoveries, Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology "Thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon"
International Institute of Space Law Coulter, Dauna 18 March 2010


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs.

الليل والنهار
"The constitution and structure of the lunar interior"
كيفية دوران الأرض حول نفسها وحول الشمس
"Celestial body irradiance determination from an underfilled satellite radiometer: application to albedo and thermal emission measurements of the Moon using CERES"
The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology
Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites, and Magnetosphere "Recent outgassing from the lunar surface: the Lunar Prospector alpha particle spectrometer"
Coren, M 26 July 2004 Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry


"Understanding the lunar surface and space-Moon interactions".

كيف تدور الأرض حول الشمس
] due to the logarithmic response of the human eye
"Past Orientation of the Lunar Spin Axis"
كيف تدور الأرض حول الشمس
NASA Turns A Deaf Ear To The Moon