قمة الادب. مرحبا بك في

I also note that he is about my own age, and therefore must be retired from scientific research Dr El-Naggar is not a member of the editorial board of of our journals "Micropaleontology" and "Stratigraphy
Eriksson Professor of Sedimentology Dept I note that according to the CV that you directed me to, Dr El-Naggar has published a large number of works in major peer reviewed journals, so there is no question of his competence as a micropaleontologist

رانيا يوسف: قمة الوقاحة وقلة الأدب!

As to his qualifications to write about scientific ideas that may be found in Islamic religious texts, I have no opinion.

ألغاز مع الحل سهلة ومضحكة للأذكياء
Best wishes, Pat Eriksson Patrick G
رانيا يوسف: قمة الوقاحة وقلة الأدب!
الغاز مع الحل مضحكة
" As far as the "Journal of Foraminiferal Research", published by the Cushman Foundation, his name is not on their editorial board at
In USA the law forbids anyone from being discharged merely because of age, but this is not the case in most countries

ابتسامتك من غير سبب ....... قمة الأدب :)


الغاز مع الحل مضحكة
رانيا يوسف: قمة الوقاحة وقلة الأدب!
رانيا يوسف: قمة الوقاحة وقلة الأدب!