Swear נשים. Ordeal of the bitter water

One underlying quest of this chapter is a search for the alternative that replaced the pre-70 procedures of detecting adulteresses, assuming that husbands did continue to suspect their wives of adultery and that sexual loyalty
I grieve for you, Jonathan, my brother Your love to me was more wonderful Than the love of women


Ordeals involving the risk of harm, including potential injury resulting from the drinking of certain potions, were common in antiquity; in parts of Europe, their judicial use even lasted until the late Middle Ages.

Ordeal of the bitter water
In a similar vein, the Babylonian Talmud records a statement by R
Accusing Women of Witchcraft
Repeated attempts would be made to persuade the woman to confess, including multiple suggestions to her of possible mitigating factors; if she confessed, the ordeal was not required
Envy by Melissa Gorga
The regulations require that the ordeal take place when the woman is brought to , or when she is brought before The offering specified is one tenth of an of meal, unaccompanied by oil or frankincense; this is the cheaper type of , unlike the flour specified for all other biblical sacrifices
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the editors of TheTorah for their many helpful suggestions for improving the piece Others argue that the curse is a euphemism for a or infertility

Envy by Melissa Gorga

The specification is now thought to be a rare survival of an earlier period, in which there was no restriction on the types of flour which could be used for sacrifices, although the Mishnah argues that it was a reference to the bestial nature of adultery, coarse flour being the food of beasts.

Others maintain that since the word "thigh" is often used in the Bible as a for various reproductive organs, in this case it may mean the uterus, the placenta or an embryo, and the woman would survive
Envy by Melissa Gorga
Thereupon Muhammad became weak, refused the food and neglected his wives
Women's Clothing
Nevertheless, given that the next law, which is about unprovable adultary, is also solved by a river ordeal a good parallel to the biblical sotah ritual , it seems rather speculative to suggest §13 is about witchcraft just because of the river ordeal