عدنان خير الله. الگاردينيا

Rift with Saddam [ ] This section needs additional citations for In 1977, Khairallah was appointed as the new Minister of Defence, taking over from , then Iraqi President and Secretary of the Iraqi Regional Command of the Ba'ath Party
The crew of the two escorting helicopters and one person travelling on Khairallah's helicopter survived His father was also the maternal uncle of , who would later marry Khairallah's sister,

Adnan Khairallah

Ba'ath Party [ ] Khairallah joined the of the in 1956.

خير الله طلفاح
He died in 1989 in a helicopter crash that was officially labeled an accident
موقع شهداء سلاح الجو العراقي
On 7 May 1989, Saddam Hussein announced that Khairallah had died three days earlier in a helicopter crash
برزان التكريتي في مذكراته: صدام قال لي لو ان عدنان خيرالله استلم السلطة في العراق سياخذونها منه خلال ٣ أشهر
Khairallah would later go on to play a role in the and coups that brought the Ba'ath party to power
[ ] References [ ]• Reevaluation of Khairallah's actions led to the removal of his statue in 2009 Georges Malbrunot 16 October 2007
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed May 2014 In November 1988, , Khairallah's nephew and Saddam Hussein's eldest child, was arrested under orders from Saddam following an incident in which Uday was accused of killing , an officer serving as one of Saddam's presidential bodyguards

Category:Adnan Khairallah

The scandal caused a rift in the family, with Uday's mother and Khairallah's sister, Sajida, appealing to Khairallah for help.

لماذا قتل صدام حسين عدنان خير الله ؟
In this position, he played a crucial role in rebuilding and modernizing the Iraqi military
عدنان خير الله
Following his return to public view, Khairallah resumed his regular duties as Defence Minister
عدنان خير الله.. ابن الخال.. والعسكري المنضبط.. يقتله صدام لشعبيته لــ الكاتب / هادي حسن عليوي
Baghdad Radio announced that Khairallah would be given a and buried in his hometown of