It just tells people where to go to find you | Yes, you can transfer your domain to any registrar or hosting company once you have purchased it |
A domain name is like the address of your home | A web host is a service that provides technology, allowing your website to be seen on the Internet |
Since domain transfers are a manual process, it can take up to 5 days to transfer the domain.
22Whois information is not updated immediately | Please remember that our 30-day money back guarantee is void once a domain has been transferred |
strongly believes in 'circulation of information' for public interest and we would therefore carefully use your material in a non-commercial way | Usually your Whois information will be fully updated within two days |
Once you purchase the domain we will push it into an account for you at our registrar, NameBright.
27NameBright offers WhoIs Privacy Protection for free for the first year, and then for a small fee for subsequent years | For transfer instructions to GoDaddy, please |
Websites are the code and content that you provide | In most cases access to the domain will be available within one to two hours of purchase, however access to domains purchased after business hours will be available within the next business day |