Are there limitations to how I can use the Hour of Code logo or name? Where can I print certificates for my students? I don't know anything about coding | Another river but this one is much wider |
One hour is only enough to learn that computer science is fun and creative, that it is accessible at all ages, for all students, regardless of background | Access free resources including a lesson plan, videos, computer science curriculum, equity lessons, and teacher trainings |
Additionally, given the thousands of people signing up for the Hour of Code, the map and event list usually takes 48 hours to update.
29Encourage your students to double up | How do I keep learning after the Hour of Code? Check back in a few days! If you have a projector and screen for a Web-connected computer, your entire group can do an Hour of Code together |
Alternately, we recommend trying one of the beginner tutorials on to start, such as the tutorial with Angry Birds or with Anna and Elsa | We have Hour of Code tutorials that work on PCs, smartphones, tablets, and some that require no computer at all! Do I need computers for every participant? Tens of thousands of teachers decide to pursue computer science further, either attending PD or offering follow-on online courses, or both |
The new minecraft hour of code tutorial is now available in minecraft.
3Don't forget we also offer if your school can't accommodate the tutorials! If you click the link below the map you will be directed to a list of all events by state and can find your event listed there | You have many choices to fit your school |
Watch video portions together and take turns solving puzzles or answering questions | The measure of success of this campaign is not in how much CS students learn - the success is reflected in broad participation across gender and ethnic and socioeconomic groups, and the resulting increase in enrollment and participation we see in CS courses at all grade levels |