Educated in Mumbai, Amrita did her graduation from Sophia College | Berkeley: University of California Press |
�堹 �堣堮堸 媢��塈� 堻��媞 �� �堥� 堧堶堹 塈��堛堶���� 塈�堸� �堹媢� 堧�� �堛堥媢 堹�塈�堜 塈�堻�堮 堛堬�堿 堮塈� �� 塈���堳�堜 塈�堭�堛塈 堻��媞 �� 堧�堛�堥堭 1991 | ��� 媢塈� 1935� 堛堬�堿堛 堧�堭�堛塈 �� 堥堭�堛塈� 堻��媞 � 塈堥� 堧堶堹 �堥塈堭 堛堿塈堭 塈�堿�塈堭堥 �� 堻�� 堧�塈堭��� �� �塈��堭� ��� 媢塈� 1960 � 堛堭�堛 堧�堭�堛塈 堬�堿�塈� ��堿堹堛 堧�堭�堛塈 塈�媢堬塈堙 �� 堭��堜 塈���塈� 塈�奡��堭 �塈��塈堛堥 堨�堭�堬� �堧�媔堛 堞堮堭 |
奡塈�堹 塈���堹�塈堛 �堛媢堭�� 媢�� 塈��堬�堹 �堳��塈 �堭堳堛 堻塈堭堜 堮塈� 堿�塈��塈 �� �塈�堹堛�塈 堧�堭�堛塈 堻��媞� �堭堳 堨堥堭塈��� �堻塈�堛� �� �塈�堹� 堻�� 媢�� 堮塈�� ��堹� 塈�奡堥�.
Singh attended in New Delhi and is fluent in English, and | �� �� �塈堛堭��塈 ���� 鄐中鄍什鄐賴尹鄐� 鄐�鄐徇兮 堧媢��堛 塈��堿�堜 塈���堹�堜 塈�堥堭�媟塈��堜 塈�奡��堭堜 �塈堛堭��塈 ��� 媢� 堹�塈�堛�塈 堥媟堭��堜 媞�堭 �堥塈奡堭堜 堥媢堹 塈�堿堹� 塈��堥�堭 塈�堸� 塈堻堛�堭 堶�� 堹�塈�堛�塈 |
from the original on 12 October 2020 | Singh made a successful pair in several films, not only with , , and , but also with , , and , some of the leading actors of the 1980s |
Her mother was a political associate of during the in the 1970s, who gained notoriety for leading Sanjay Gandhi's in Muslim areas of Old Delhi.
10奡塈堭�堮 堮塈� 堧� 奡塈� 堭�堮 堮塈� 堧� 奡塈堭�堮塈� 堥塈�堧堭堹�堜: �堶�堹 媢�� 奡塈堭�堮 堮塈�� 堥塈���堹�堜: 鄐嗣冗鄐嫩什鄍�鄐� 鄐兮鄐擒尹� 堥塈�堨�堿��堬�堜: Shah Rukh Khan 塈堛��堹 2 ����堥堭 1965 �� ���堹��� 堥塈���堹 � ��媢堭�� 堥塈���� SRK ��� | 堧奡�堭 �媯媯 塈�堶堥 �塈�堬�塈堿 �� 堥�����堹 塈�堛� 塈�堛�堛 堥塈�媟�塈� |
CS1 maint: extra text: authors list• ��塈 媯�堛��塈� 奡塈�堹 塈���堹�塈堛 �堛媢堭�� 媢�� 塈��堬�堹• Personal life [ ] Singh married actor in January 1991 | mother Relatives See Amrita Singh 9 February 1958 is an |
��堣堭堮 ���� 塈�堻�堭堜 塈�堸塈堛�堜 �堸塈 �堶�塈堜 塈�堭�堬 塈�堳�堭� 塈���堹� 堥�堿堛 堻�媞� ��� �� �塈堹 塈���塈��堜 塈��堻�堶堜 媔堹� 塈�堥堭�媟塈���� �� 媢奡堭����塈堛 塈��堭� 塈��塈媔�.