مستشفى عبد اللطيف جميل. تواصل معنا

I would ask: 'you worked on projects all over the world; America, Egypt, Britain, and I would just like to know, how? So, by combining physical therapy and occu-pational therapy, your grandad will join you on morning jogs again At Abdul Latif Jameel Hospital Seniors' Club, your loved ones can benefit from a complete physical rehabilitation programme, socialize, and maintain their health from 9am to 3pm
This hospital started with the intention of being a home for Sheikh AbdulLatif Jameel himself; from the day it was formed it had the mission of giving our loved ones the care that they deserve The thing I loved most about Japan was its people and their kindness I used to speak Japanese '' " He [AbdulLatif Jameel] didn't let anyone leave without solving their problem; he was wise when treating people; when he'd get upset with me, he would advise 'may God guide you'

رقم الخط الساخن وعنوان مستشفى عبد اللطيف جميل للتأهيل الطبي

It is the only place where your loved ones can benefit from daily physiotherapy, occupational the-rapy, nutrition and more with a full team of doctors and nurses while maintaining a focus on wellness rather than acute care.

مستشفى عبد اللطيف جميل للتأهيل
But we're here to give you the support you need to maintain motivation
معلومات عن مستشفى عبداللطيف جميل
Now, I think God that my son brought me here; I am excited to be able to walk again
مستشفى عبد اللطيف جميل للتأهيل
Also, the greenery surrounding the place "
We are stronger in numbers; studies show loneliness is more dangerous than smoking What better than a safe- carefree day with friends? Our therapists keep our mental juices flowing and our group exercise sessions keep your blood pumping to our brains
Our group recreational activi-ties range from Geometric Art sessions by Art Jameel to barbeque and Oud nights to Tai Chi So, is your walk with your grandfather on corniche really enough? The days I most enjoyed at ALJH were the mall visit and National Day celebration

دليل مستشفيات تأمين عناية السعودية Saudi Enaya Hospitals

ALJ hospital is the only place in Jeddah that provides physical rehabilitation facilities to serve seniors in a holistic way.

نادي كبار السن
What I love to do most in the hospital is listen to the sound of birds chirping
مستشفى عبد اللطيف جميل
" The place I love most is here [under the sunroof in the middle of the hospital] because everyone here we are all close friends
عيادة جميل في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا
' All he cared about was development; he was tired thinking about it I spent my youth in Japan because my husband was working in the Saudi embassy there
We were traveling to France, Switzerland and Britain, then he suggested: 'why not start an elderly home and stay there ourselves? By strengthening muscles and exercising their minds, seniors will be able to gain the independence they seek to have a variety of activities to independently choose from and to enjoy with friends We are equipped to help visitors with injury induced physical ailments as well as seniors regaining confidence after a fall, or simply supporting seniors main-taining a healthy circulation with lym-phatic drainage massage

نادي كبار السن

The fact that the entire hospital is on one level helps me move independently a lot better.

نادي كبار السن
Balanced with a healthy recreation programme, your father will be able to keep your cherished memories together forever
تواصل معنا
وظيفة ممثل مركز الاتصال في مستشفى عبداللطيف جميل للتأهيل والعيادات بجدة