مركز تنمية الفكر. ٠عاكز الفكر: ٠نفعة ؚا٠؊ لل٠جت٠ع

As we believe that building a healthy environment is the key to developing balanced and healthy personalities, we focus on that as part of the therapy To identify the problem, to get to know the situation of the patient, to make a psychological diagnosis and to plan the best form of support
I will work and work to reach the top I have worked hard with passion and ambition to see the growth and development of children skills and capabilities for them to achieve good mental health and lead a good quality of personal lives that build up a better society for the coming generations

من نحن؟

The center began as a research idea on July 15, 2017.

٠راكز الفكر: ٠نفعة عا٠ة لل٠جت٠ع
All thankful words that parents and children honored me with and every positive change I see happen is what motivates me to keep giving
من نحن؟
A dream I have always wished to see come true
٠راكز الفكر: ٠نفعة عا٠ة لل٠جت٠ع
The patient has the possibility of getting accustomed to the contact with a psychologist and of taking the decision as to the possible use of further assistance
I want to see my culture bloom



وظائف شاغرة للجنسين في مركز تنمية الفكر بجدة بمسمى موظف استقبال
أشهر مراكز التدريب للأطفال في جدَّة 2017
أشهر مراكز التدريب للأطفال في جدَّة 2017

مركز تنمية الفكر يوفر 10 وظائف صحية لحديثي التخرج في جدة


افضل عيادة نفسية في جدة
مركز تنمية الفكر الطبي يعلن عن وظائف شاغرة للنساء في جدة
مركز تنمية الفكر يوفر 10 وظائف لحديثي التخرج في علم النفس