اين يعيش الاسد. معلومات عن الأسد

"The North African Barbary lion and the Atlas Lion Project" Stephen O'Brien y Warren Johnson 2008
"The Cheetah in Genetic Peril" Yamaguchi N, Haddane B 2002

حقائق مثيرة عن الأسد الأبيض النادر

Journal of East African Natural History.

معلومات عن الأسد
The White Lions of Timbavati
اين يعيش الاسد
Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Singapore
صفات حيوان الأسد
"The late Miocene radiation of modern felidae : a genetic assessment"
"In the fourteenth incarnation, the Lord appeared as Nrisimha and bifurcated the strong body of the atheist Hiranyakasipu with His nails, just as a carpenter pierces cane Roach, John 16 July 2003
Doi H, Reynolds B 1967 Official Website of the Government of Sri Lanka


"Evolution of the mane and group-living in the lion Panthera leo : a review".

"The First Labour:The Nemean Lion"
صفات حيوان الاسد
Mystery Cats of the World
أين يعيش الأسد
The management of wild animals in captivity