My ip address. What's My IP Address?

Although, it would be impossible to find the exact location of the IP address The first red box corresponds to the IPv4 address and the second corresponds to the IPv6 address
But the tool does not provide you


That 256 is the number of devices that may have connected to the same network.

For example, a public IP address could be 63
IP Location Lookup
For that, contact the geolocation providers
IP Location Lookup
The main difference between IPv4 and IPv6 is the number of possible addresses
If already explaining what IP addresses are a bit messy, imagine when I explain now what IPv6 addresses are Here you can see the private IPv6 IP address on Mac
The live location can only be seen when the user allows an app or a website to obtain location data through its mobile, tablet, or browser Each network interface can have its own DNS

What Is My IP Address?

The reverse DNS translation highly depends on the correct configuration of the ISP's DNS server.

What Is My IP Address?
What is marked in red are your private IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
IP/DNS Detect
Its composition is different from that of IPv4 addresses, since the former play with alphanumeric characters
IP/DNS Detect
In brief: Windows lacks the concept of global DNS