يعد دخان المصانع من أسباب تلوث البيئة. أسئلة يتكرر طرحها حول تلوث الهواء

C : chemical principles of environmental pollution,• Blakie academic and professional, London, 1993, P,5 Submitted by Matt Kallman on Wed, 2008-08-20 18:22
Submitted by Matt Kallman on Wed, 2008-08-20 18:22 Meinhardt, MD, MPH, MA, Author


; Abdullah, Huthaifah; Boor, Brandon E.

ملوثات البيئة الدخان وطرق معالجتها
We can say that air pollution is the most dangerous one
أسباب تلوث البيئة وحلولها
Meinhardt, MD, MPH, MA, Author
Beil, Laura 15 November 2017
We can say that air pollution is the most dangerous one Beil, Laura 15 November 2017
This type is caused by smoke and exhaust fumes from factories and cars which lead to unhealthy and not clean air

دخان المصانع واضراره

D: Environmental law, pitman publishing, London, 1995, p,14• Carrington, Damian October 20, 2017.

ملوثات البيئة الدخان وطرق معالجتها
Hussein, Tareq; Saleh, Shatha Suleiman Ali; dos Santos, Vanessa N
ملوثات البيئة الدخان وطرق معالجتها
This type is caused by smoke and exhaust fumes from factories and cars which lead to unhealthy and not clean air
ماذا يسبب دخان المصانع
Blakie academic and professional, London, 1993, P,5