توكلنا. رابط طلب تصاريح التنقل

Make the application work both online and offline First it needed me to change my time zone to Saudi Arabia
provides instant and live information about the number of coronavirus infections in the Kingdom, and helps in the early detection of possible infections once users show coronavirus symptoms , they can also report COVID-19 suspected cases to help individuals receive the health care they, or others, need

تفعيل شرط إلزامي لدخول المنشآت الحكومية والأسواق في الرياض

Nor will it let me set it to my current physical location for the week.

رابط طلب تصاريح التنقل
Then it wanted me to set my home address all over again
السعودية تُطلق تطبيق لإدارة التصاريح الإلكترونية
I need t to show that I have been vaccinated
‎Tawakkalna (Covid
I need it to be working when I get to Bahrain to quarantine
And the complain about it being crushed? The app was there for almost a year now with no issue at all
It allows citizens and residents to request movement permits in cases of necessity during curfew; follow-up on their permit request status during curfew; and notify them when they are close to infectious or isolated areas Also I was unable to switch from English to Arabic after the registration

تطبيق شرط لدخول المطارات وصعود الطائرات في السعودية

I think it wants to know where so now.

رابط طلب تصاريح التنقل
I think you should consider this please
توكلنا for Android
etc you can from it contact the technical support because a lot of people face problems while filling the requirements so they can have a solution to their problem
توكلنا for Android
Tawakkalna Covid-19 KSA is the official app