التبرع بالكلى. ما شروط التبرع بالكلى؟

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Benefits and complications of minimally invasive live-donor nephrectomy
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases The New England Journal of Medicine

ما شروط التبرع بالكلى؟

United Network for Organ Sharing.

معلومات خاطئة حول التبرع بالكلى
Deceased- and living-donor renal allograft recovery
تجارب وشروط عملية تبرع بالكلى
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
شروط التبرع بالكلى
Kidney-failure risk projection for the living kidney-donor candidate
Your kidneys and how they work What to expect after donation
Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients Kidney transplantation in adults: Risk of living kidney donation

ما هي شروط التبرع بالكلى

Kidney transplantation in adults: Evaluation of the living kidney donor candidate.

استئصال كلية المتبرع
ما شروط التبرع بالكلى؟
Evaluation of the living kidney donor candidate
استئصال كلية المتبرع
Donating a kidney for transplant