سوره يونس. سورة يونس مكتوبة بالرسم العثماني

? Wajibad Assalamu Caleykum Wa Raxmatullaahi, Wa Barakaatuhu That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him
Is it a wonder for mankind that We have inspired a man among them, saying: Warn mankind and bring unto those who believe the good tidings…! This Blog is dedicate the stories of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his Companions, and Stories of all prophets Hizb number: 21 to 22• And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them, they who look not for the meeting with Us say…! It is named after the prophet Jonah

متن قرآن, سوره 10: يونس, آیه 1

Wajibad waa ururiyaha qoraalada diiniga ah si ay dadka jeceli inay bartaan diintood ugu fududaato akhrinta iyo daabacaada qoraalada oo af-Somali iyo English ka kooban Inshaa Allaah hadan waxaan ku guda jirtaa si aan ugu soo kordhin lahayn qoraalada Carabiga ah.

قراءة سورة يونس
Then will you not remember
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فضائل وخصائص سورة يونس
Sida Saxiix al-Bukhaari, Saxiix Muslim, Abuu Daawuud iyo qayrkoodba
It is a Makkan sura Meaning of the name: Jonah Statistics• Bloggan wuxuu qaas u yahay taariikh raaca Siirada Rasuulka CSW iyo Asxaabtiisa Ridwaanu Allah Caleyhim, iyo Qisooyinka Ambiyada oo dhan Caleyhim As-Salaam
There is no intercessor except after His permission

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القرآن الكريم/سورة يونس
قراءة سورة يونس
فضائل وخصائص سورة يونس