الهند الصينية. دول الهند الصينية

"Securing a future for wild Indochinese tigers: transforming tiger vacuums into tiger source sites" National Association of Former POWs in Indochina• Selangor, Malaysia: TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
Dehradun, India: Wildlife Institute of India "First structured camera-trap surveys in Karen State, Myanmar, reveal high diversity of globally threatened mammals"

حرب الهند الصينية الأولى

Hong Kong: TRAFFIC East Asia and the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre.

الهند الصينية الفرنسية
Jacques Dalloz, La Guerre d'Indochine 1945-1954, Seuil, Paris, 1987,pp
من هم دول الهند الصينية
The French Indochina War 1946-1954 Men-At-Arms, 322
حرب الهند الصينية الأولى
National Geographic Society News Watch
An estimate using photographic capture-recapture sampling" "Historic distribution and the recent loss of tigers in China"
"An updated analysis of the consumption of tiger products in urban Vietnam" Riding the Tiger: Tiger Conservation in Human-Dominated Landscapes

دول الهند الصينية

"How many tigers Panthera tigris are there in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand? "Ecological Covariates at Kill Sites Influence Tiger Panthera tigris Hunting Success in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand".

جنوب شرق آسيا البري
Jacques Dalloz, La Guerre d'Indochine 1945-1954, Seuil, Paris, 1987,pp
الحرب الهندوصينية الأولى
Smedberg, M 2008 , Vietnamkrigen: 1880-1980
الحرب الصينية
"Population status of the Indochinese tiger Panthera tigris corbetti and density of the three primary ungulate prey species in Shangyong Nature Reserve, Xishuangbanna, China"