Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na nani dhaalimu zaidi kuliko anaye mzulia uwongo Mwenyezi Mungu na akazikanusha Ishara zake Hakika madhaalimu hawafanikiwi• English - Sahih International : And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or denies the truth when it has come to him Is there not in Hell a [sufficient] residence for the disbelievers• Somali - Abduh : Cidna kama dulmi badna ruux ku been abuurtay Eebe korkiisa ama beeniyey xaqa markuu u yimid miyeyna ahayn Jahannamo Hoyga Gaalada• Thus, the verse means: "When the Prophet whose coming had been foretold by the Prophet Jesus came with the clear signs of his prophethood, the Israelites and the followers of Jesus,declared his claim to Prophet hood to be a deception and fraud | This refers to those who asserted that there were also other beings which shared with God in His godhead, were possessed of divine attributes and powers, and rightly deserved to claim from man worship and absolute service |
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orangorang yang mengadaadakan kedustaan terhadap Allah atau mendustakan yang hak tatkala yang hak itu datang kepadanya Bukankah dalam neraka Jahannam itu ada tempat bagi orangorang yang kafir• By 'signs of God' are meant the signs found within man's own being, as well as those scattered throughout the universe | dengan menisbatkan sekutu terhadap-Nya dan menganggapnya mempunyai anak |
atau Alquran tatkala yang hak itu datang kepadanya? 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 假借真主的名义而造谣的人,谁比他们还不义呢?这等人将受他们的主的检阅,而见证者们将来要说:这些人是假借他们的主的名义造谣的。 Somali - Abduh : yaa ka dulmi badan ruux ku been abuurtay Ilaahay isagoo loogu yeedhi Islaamka Eebe ma hanuuniyo dadka daalimiinta ah• Such a person subjects truth and reality to grave injustice.
16Such a proclamation would be made on the Day of Judgement | Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan siapakah yang lebih zalim daripada orang yang membuatbuat dusta terhadap Allah Mereka itu akan dihadapkan kepada Tuhan mereka dan para saksi akan berkata "Orangorang inilah yang telah berdusta terhadap Tuhan mereka" Ingatlah kutukan Allah ditimpakan atas orangorang yang zalim• Sesungguhnya artinya keadaan yang sebenarnya orang-orang yang aniaya itu tidak mendapat keberuntungan oleh sebab kedustaannya itu |
Somali - Abduh : yaa ka dulmi badan ruux ku abuurtay Eebe Been kuwaas waxaa loo bandhigi Eebahood waxayna odhan maraggu kuwaasu waa kuwa ku been abuurtay Eebahood Lacnadi ha ahaato Daalimiinta korkooda• Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na nani aliye dhaalimu mkubwa kuliko yule anaye mzulia Mwenyezi Mungu uwongo Hao watahudhurishwa mbele ya Mola wao Mlezi na mashahidi watasema Hawa ndio walio mtungia uwongo Mola wao Mlezi Laana ya Mwenyezi Mungu iwapate walio dhulumu• To invent a lie against God consists of stating that beings other than God also have a share with God in His godhead, that like God they are also entitled to be served and worshipped by God's creatures | Mereka itu akan dihadapkan kepada Rabb mereka kelak di hari kiamat di antara semua makhluk-Nya dan para saksi akan berkata lafal asyhaad adalah bentuk jamak dari lafal syahiid yang artinya saksi |
Bukankah dalam neraka Jahanam itu ada tempat tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang yang kafir maksudnya, di dalam neraka itu ada tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang kafir, dan orang yang mengada-adakan kedustaan terhadap Allah itu adalah satu di antara mereka yang kafir.
24against Allah": declares the Prophet sent by Allah to be a false prophet and regards the Revelations of Allah to His Prophet as forged by the Prophet himself | " Ingatlah, kutukan Allah dilimpahkan atas orang-orang yang lalim yaitu orang-orang musyrik |
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na ni nani mwenye kudhulumu zaidi kuliko yule anaye mzulia Mwenyezi Mungu uwongo naye anaitwa kwenye Uislamu Na Mwenyezi Mungu hawaongoi watu madhaalimu• Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan siapakah yang lebih aniaya daripada orang yang membuatbuat suatu kedustaan terhadap Allah atau mendustakan ayatayatNya Sesungguhnya orangorang yang aniaya itu tidak mendapat keberuntungan• They also include the signs which are manifest from the lives and achievements of the Prophets, as well as those embodied in the Scriptures | Inventing a lie against God also consists of stating that God is not concerned with providing guidance to His creatures, that He did not raise Prophets for that purpose, and that He rather left men free to behave as they pleased |
It is also a slander to claim that God has selected certain beings to be His chosen intimates and that lie has commanded - or is at least agreeable to the idea - that they should he considered to possess divine attributes, and that people should serve and revere them as they would serve and revere God, their Lord.