مريض نفسي. شاب يذبح والدته في إمبابة.. وشقيقه: مريض نفسي

"Psychopathology in great apes: concepts, treatment options and possible homologies to human psychiatric disorders" Saunders, London, Philadelphia, Toronto etc
The Scientific Basis of Psychiatry, W "What makes "a new mental illness"? "Animal models of depression: navigating through the clinical fog"

اخبار الحوادث جريمة العيد

Morey LC, Hopwood CJ, Gunderson JG; et al.

شاب يذبح والدته ثالث أيام العيد في امبابة.. والتحريات الأولية: مريض نفسي
Alonso J, Angermeyer MC, Bernert S; et al
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"Assaultive behavior by psychiatric in-patients and its related factors"
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Mental Health: Types of Mental Illness
Matthews K, Christmas D, Swan J, Sorrell E 2005 Harrison G, Hopper K, Craig T; et al
"Prejudice and schizophrenia: a review of the 'mental illness is an illness like any other' approach" "Evolving formulations: Sharing complex information with clients"

شاب يذبح والدته في إمبابة.. وشقيقه: مريض نفسي

Hockenbury, Don and Sandy 2004.

شاب يذبح والدته ثالث أيام العيد في امبابة.. والتحريات الأولية: مريض نفسي
Tohen M, Zarate CA, Hennen J; et al
شاب يذبح والدته في إمبابة.. وشقيقه: مريض نفسي
شاب يذبح والدته ثالث أيام العيد في امبابة.. والتحريات الأولية: مريض نفسي
Andreasen NC 1 May 1997
"The DSM-IV and ICD-10 categories of recurrent [major] depressive and bipolar II disorders: evidence that they lie on a dimensional spectrum" Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry "The role of moral judgment in personality disorder diagnosis"

اضطراب نفسي

Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 50.

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"The intricate link between violence and mental disorder: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions"
اضطراب نفسي
Shear MK, Greeno C, Kang J; et al
اخبار الحوادث جريمة العيد
"Cultural differences in conceptual models of depression"