اختبار الكتروني حلول. منتديات يزيد التعليمية

In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as the common cold This type of coronavirus is often called 2019-nCoV, novel coronavirus, or COVID-19
They are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds

باب ناين التعليمي لطلاب المدرسة والجامعة والتعليم الذاتي

Unfortunately, when viruses are transmitted from animals to people, it can take scientists a lot of time before they can develop a vaccine or medicines to cure it.

Yourgene Health PLC
Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s
اختبار الكتروني Mega Goal 4 نهائي
A-Corona virus causes disease in At the end of 2019, a new type of coronavirus started spreading in China
باب ناين التعليمي لطلاب المدرسة والجامعة والتعليم الذاتي
It is believed that the virus was transmitted from animals to humans
The origin of this name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona, meaning crown or halo Some of the first cases were diagnosed in people who had visited a market selling live seafood and animals
The name refers to the characteristic appearance of the infective form of the virus, which is reminiscent of a crown or a solar corona

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اختبار الكتروني الدرس التاسع
اختبار الكتروني الدرس التاسع

منتديات يزيد التعليمية


اختبار الكتروني Mega Goal 4 نهائي
باب ناين التعليمي لطلاب المدرسة والجامعة والتعليم الذاتي
منتديات يزيد التعليمية