جبل القاره. القارة (الأحساء)

HUSSAIN, MAHBUB; AL-KHALIFAH, FADHEL; KHANDAKER, NAZRUL ISLAM 2006 The mountain has caves , and some of them , such as " Al-Nashab cave " has moderate steady temperature throughout the year
"The Jabal Qarah Caves of The Hofuf Area, Northeastern Saudi Arabia: A Geological Investigation" Geology [ ] The base area of Al-Qarah mountain is about 14 square and consists of reddish colored sedimentary rocks

تاريخ جبل القارة في الاحساء ارض الحضارات

The reason of the regular temperature is the thermal insulation of the rocks and the caves are not exposed to direct sun.

جبل قارة
All hajer water Exude in that well in its increasing " Geographical location [ ] The mountain located in Al-Ahsa oasis between four villages which is : Al-Qarah , At-Tuwaitheer , Ad-Dalwah and At-tihemeah
جبل (القارة) معلم سياحي أسطوري في الأحساء
The number of this straight corridors reaches 28 with length of 1
«جبل القارة» زيارة واحدة لا تكفي
"Al-Ahsa Oasis, an evolving Cultural Landscape"
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies v68 : 12—21 " it a divine formation , and human didn't do anything about that " Al-Janbi said in his book
several types of the mountain's caves extend in a form of ribbed grids of cracked ground , while the others are cavities due to chemical weathering , abrasion process and collapses also it's called " Al-Shaba'an " because it's among the palm trees and the rivers , and it has wild high caves which is cold at summer

جبل القاره

The tourism projects' cost which was done by the company was about 100 million Saudi Riyal.

القارة (الأحساء)
moreover , some of history books inform that Al-Qarah mountain is what intended by the name " Al-Mushaqqar " which was mentioned by historians and travelers
جبل القاره
2- Second type is a result of collapses of the upper layers because of chemical weathering and abrasion, therefore, lower layers removal, which lead to the formation of wide caves sometimes
تاريخ جبل القارة في الاحساء ارض الحضارات
The project named " Land of Civilizations " , and the project includes preparing the main cave , lighting and leveling its ground