عواتق العود. مع المعلمين

an angry look, scowl at s V to get used, be accustomed, habituate o
, as a sign of s

مع المعلمين

God save protect me us from that! to become, grow into , turn into; with foil.

مع المعلمين
; Shabuoth, Feast of Weeks, Pentecost Jud
معنى و شرح عود عتيق في لسان العرب معجم عربي عربي و قاموس عربي عربي
, hold self-communion, examine o
الأدب اليوناني
; to engage, undertake, bind o
ar-riyy General Inspectorate of Irrigation Eg 1939 ; a naval rank intermediate between those of lieutenant commander and lieutenant Eg
; making, production, manufacture, fabrication; performance, execution; make, workmanship; practical work, practice; -- pl

الأدب اليوناني

; -- u to be on s.

إِدْرَاكُ الوَقْتِ وَالرَّكْعَةِ وَالجُمْعَةِ وَالجَمَاعَةِ
; with predicate adjective or noun in acc
سفها إذا شقت عليك جيوب
You, who always studied these things, will know how bitterly I must have suffered
الأدب اليوناني
; on the assumption that
see I ; fleeting smile ; transient, transitory, ephemeral; bygone, past, elapsed time ; pl
; to engage, undertake, bind o I say nothing of myself

الأدب اليوناني

; not having experienced s.

الأدب اليوناني
, give vent to s
المصباح المنير/كتاب العين
, of a controversy ; pl
الأدب اليوناني
I blame myself terribly for having lost you