معنى كبد. تفسير سورة البلد

"Estimations of worldwide prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review of data published between 1965 and 2013" National Organization for Rare Disorders
Cirrhosis in adults: Overview of complications, general management, and prognosis "Canals of Hering: Recent Insights and Current Knowledge"

معنى و شرح ماهو معنى كبد الليل في معجم اللغة العربية المعاصرة معجم عربي عربي و قاموس عربي عربي

Now among people in a primitive state of culture the soul is almost invariably supposed to reside in the liver instead of in the heart or brain.

شرح حديث ..في كل ذات كبد حراء أجر
Acute-on-chronic liver failure: An update
لماذا كان كبد الحوت أول طعام أهل الجنة ؟
Emerging therapies for hepatic fibrosis
معنى و شرح كبد السماء في معجم اللغة العربية المعاصرة معجم عربي عربي و قاموس عربي عربي
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine "The immunobiology and pathophysiology of primary biliary cirrhosis"
Chu, Jaime; Sadler, Kirsten C Textbook of Anatomy with Colour Atlas

لماذا كان كبد الحوت أول طعام أهل الجنة ؟

Other diseases of the colon.

Yuan, Shaochun; Ruan, Jie; Huang, Shengfeng; Chen, Shangwu; Xu, Anlong 2015
قبل المتابعة
Last's Anatomy: Regional and Applied
Cirrhosis in adults: Etiologies, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall
Hepatitis B questions and answers for the public "Tityus: A forgotten myth of liver regeneration"

القرآن الكريم

Advances and challenges in cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

معنى كلمة كبد
Maton, Anthea; Jean Hopkins; Charles William McLaughlin; Susan Johnson; Maryanna Quon Warner; David LaHart; Jill D
ورم وعائي في الكبد
; Kumar, Vinay; Fausto, Nelson; Nelso Fausto; Robbins, Stanley L
تفسير سورة البلد
; Dilegge, Tina; Erskine, Holly E