مسابقة بيبراس. مسابقة بيبراس موهبة للمعلوماتية

Bebras Challenge is an international initiative aiming to promote Informatics Computer Science and computational thinking among school students at all ages Participants are usually supervised by teachers who may integrate the Bebras challenge in their teaching activities
Sample Tasks The Bebras competition are made of a set of short online problems called Bebras Tasks

نماذج أسئلة

The challenge is performed at schools using computers or mobile devices.

مسابقة بيبراس موهبة للمعلوماتية
The tasks are fun, engaging and based on problems that computer scientists often meet and enjoy solving
The tasks can be solved without prior knowledge but instead require logical thinking
مسابقة بيبراس موهبة
The aim is to solve as many as you can in the allotted time

نماذج أسئلة


فوز 356 طالباً وطالبة بجوائز مسابقة موھبة
فوز 356 طالباً وطالبة بجوائز مسابقة موھبة