For the night lyrics. What are the lyrics to the ‘Queen of the Night’ aria?

We ask for donations here just twice a year, and this is one of those times For the God on the mountain is the God in the valley
Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming; With glowing hearts by his cradle we stand: So, led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, Here come the wise men from Orient land, The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our friend; Chorus He knows our need, To our weakness no stranger! Author: Peter AbelardAbelard, Peter, born at Pailais, in Brittany, 1079 Date: 1996 Subject: Care for one another ; Creation ; Evening ; Forgiveness ; Light ; Love ; Morning ; Night ; Praise ; Repentance ; Round Source: A Manual of Prayers, 1694

What are the original lyrics to ‘O Holy Night’

Can you help me with clues if you happen to recognise some of these few details? He was condemned for heresy by the Council of Soissons, 1121, and again by that of Sens, 1140; died at St.

Sleep my child and peace attend thee, All through the night Guardian angels God will send thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loved ones' watch am keeping, All through the night Angels watching, e'er around thee, All through the night Midnight slumber close surround thee, All through the night Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, Hill and dale in slumber sleeping I my loved ones' watch am keeping, All through the night
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This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping
Text: In the late seventeenth century, Anglican Bishop Thomas Ken wrote a trio of hymns for prayer at morning, evening, and midnight
Chorus Christ is the Lord, then ever! Tune: TALLIS' CANON is also known as EVENING HYMN, after its association with this text Thomas Ken's evening hymn "All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night" suggests a different pattern of thought: praising God for His blessings, seeking forgiveness from God and neighbors, and committing the night to rest in preparation for serving God the next day
The text originally had twelve stanzas, of which only the first five and the last — Ken's famous doxology, "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow" — are sung today And I, I, I need to know know

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We'll Soon Be Done With Troubles and Trials11.

It was almost a decade after the song's composition that the lyrics were translated into English
This is the night, dear friends, the night for weeping
Where could it be from?? When things go wrong, He'll make them right
An Evening Hymn
It's sounds like a newish, slow pop or soft rock song