ابراهيم عيسى. تحميل جميع مؤلفات وكتب إبراهيم عيسى pdf

Some of the incidents he describes - dodgy fatwa about breast feeding, church bombing - took place while I lived in Cairo The ending was kind of abrupt but a great read overall
In fact, I lived just 2km down the road from Media Production City, location for the tv programme The first time I read this was just after I bought it and i put it back to the shelf because the first hundred is to me quite a lot

إبراهيم عيسى: مصر تعثرت 10 سنوات وأصابها الضمور حتى جاء السيسي لخلع الإخوان

However, upon finishing it and reflecting, I have realised that it has given me perspective and knowledge of opinions which mirror that of people I would otherwise never meet in real life.

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As a result I benefitted intellectually from this book, as will most people, even if they don't agree with the opinions it presents
إبراهيم عيسى: مصر تعثرت 10 سنوات وأصابها الضمور حتى جاء السيسي لخلع الإخوان
The story is amasingly written and the characters rich,but what i loved most was the sense of humour and sarcasm the author used to enlighten this heavy and critical topic of discussing what lies beneath the facade of famous religious figures in time of social media and TV networks
إبراهيم عيسى (شاعر)
Egyptian cultural and religious dualism
But, what I like about this book is that the main character, T Okay this is actually my first review in goodreads so i din't really know how to do this and ofc the arabic is very good too, written so well i just finished it and i am still shocked with the ending
At first this book seemed particularly cowardly as it presented the issue of a Muslim converting to Christianity a massive taboo in any Muslim country and then seemingly dismissed it as a psychiatric issue On the other hand the protagonist turned out to be weaker than I wanted him to be given that he was a man of knowledge

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too much to process and maybe there are few unnecessary subplot that to me is unfinished.

ابراهيم عيسى
إبراهيم عيسى: مصر تعثرت 10 سنوات وأصابها الضمور حتى جاء السيسي لخلع الإخوان
In fact, I lived just 2km down the road from Media Production City, location for the tv programme
ابراهيم عيسى
it may be unfair to compare, but this work is the closets of the contemporary to Naguib Mahfouz's and to international fiction standards
I wan't that excited about the series of events unfolding at the end as I didn't really feel like the book needed to go that extra mile and present the "punch line Well done Ibrahim Eissa A relatively contemporary book
Monumental self upheaval begins amidst a climatic build to catastrophe as we follow the Sheik's journey of true but fearful self reflection as he navigates the direction of his moral compass and ofc the arabic is very good too, written so well Mixed impression

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The protagonist, Sheik Hatem el-Shenawi, is a bit like an Islamic version of Dr Phil
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You have to fight the need of not finishing this book the first dozens of pages then surprisingly you have to fight the need to complete the whole book in one session
كل الشهور يوليو
It's well paced and engaging, even funny at times