تفسير اية وقرن في بيوتكن. تفسير الآية ضمن الآيات المتصلة بها

" In Surah Al-Qasas, whcn the Prophet Moses reaches the Pharaoh's house as a suckling, and the Pharaoh's wife is in search of a suitable nurse for the child, the Prophet Moses' sister says, "Shall I tell you of a household whose people will bring him up for you and look after him well? " What he meant was : The warrior can fight confidently and with full peace of the mind in the way of Allah only when he is sure that aII is well at home: his wife is there to look after the house and the children, and there is no cause for him to worry that she will betray him in his absence Moreover, the word ahl al-bait in Arabic is used precisely in the sense in which the word "household" is used in English, which includes both a man's wife and children
Sesungguhnya Allah bermaksud hendak menghilangkan dosa dari kalian yakni dosa-dosa, hai ahlul bait yakni istri-istri Nabi saw Now everybody can see for himself whether the culture which is being made popular in our country is the culture of Islam, according to the Qur'an, or the culture of ignorance

‏ [7] قول الله تعالى: {وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ} الآية:33 إلى قوله تعالى: {إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ لَطِيفًا خَبِيرًا} الآية:34‏

They say that "uncleanliness" implies error and sin, and, as Allah says, these ahl al-bait have been purified of this, whereas the words of the verse do not say that uncleanliness has been removed from them and they have been purified.

و قرن في بيوتكن
" Then she related the event whcn the Holy Prophet had called Hadrat 'Ali and Fatimah and Hasan and Husain may Allah be pleased with them all and covered them alI with a sheet of cloth and prayed: "O Allah, these are my houschold, remove uncleanness from them and make them pure
التحذير من علي منصور الكيالي : الحمد لله
The same explanation of this word has been given by the leading lexicographers and commentators
التدبر و التفكر فى آية وقرن في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
English - Sahih International : And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin] O people of the [Prophet's] household and to purify you with [extensive] purification• on the authority of Abu Said Khudri, Hadrat 'A'ishah, Hadrat Anas, Hadrat Umm Salamah, Hadrat Wathilah bin Aqsa' and some other Companions, which show that the Holy Prophet declared Hadrat 'AIi and Fatimah and their two sons as his ahl al-bait
The word tabarruj when used in respect of a woman will have three meanings: 1 that she should show the charms of her face and body before the people; 2 that she should display the adornments of her dress and ornaments before others; and 3 that she should make herself conspicuous by her gait and figure and coquetry He instructs them to stay in their houses because their real sphere of activity is their home and not the world outside
Allah only wishes to remove uncleanness from you, O members of the Prophet's household, and to purify you completely " All these customs show that jahiliyyat in the Islamic terminology is every such conduct which goes against Islamic culture and civilization and Islamic morality and etiquette and Islamic way of thinking and behaviour

الدرس : 09

" According to a Hadith once Hadrat Abu ad-Darda' in the heat of a quarrel abused another person in respect of his mother.

تفسير الآية 33 من سورة الأحزاب
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na kaeni majumbani kwenu wala msijishauwe kwa majishauwo ya kijahilia ya kizamani Na shikeni Sala na toeni Zaka na mt'iini Mwenyezi Mungu na Mtume wake Hakika Mwenyezi Mungu anataka kukuondoleeni uchafu enyi Watu wa Nyumba ya Mtume na kukusafisheni baarabara• And she is closer to Allah's mercy when she is inside her house
كلمة (بيوتكن) في القرآن لا تعني انها بيوت زوجات النبي (ص)
Hafiz Abu Bakr Bazzar has related on the authority of Hadrat Anas that the women made a submission to the Holy Prophet, saying: "All kinds of virtues have been secured by the men: they fight and accomplish great deeds in the way of AIlah
و قرن في بيوتكن
Allah's mercy and blessings are upon you
On the contrary, they have been advised here what they should do and what they should not, because Allah intends to purify them When the Holy Prophet heard of it, he remarked: "You still have jahiliyyat in you
" Abu 'Ubaidah comments: "This that a woman should make herself conspicuous by display of her body and dress to attract the attention of men What should we do that we may also get a reward equal to that of the warriors? Therefore, the view of those who exclude them from the ahl al-bait is not correct

بالفيديو.. شيخ الأزهر: آية «وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ» خاصة بنساء الرسول.. والإسلام أباح للمرأة الخروج

A sailing-boat is called barijah, because its sails become.

هل تدل آية {وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ} على ملكية زوجات النبي (ص)؟
Mujahid, Qatadah and Ibn Abi Nujaih say: "Tabarruj means to walk in a vain, alluring and coquettish manner
الدرس : 09
This explanation makes it abundantly clear that what Allah forbids women is to move out of their houses showing off their physical charms and beauty
‏ [7] قول الله تعالى: {وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ} الآية:33 إلى قوله تعالى: {إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ لَطِيفًا خَبِيرًا} الآية:34‏
Similarly the view of those people also is not correct, who, on the basis of the above-cited Ahadith, regard the wives of the Holy Prophet as excluded from his ahl al-bait