صور قرآن. «انت مش عارف أنا مين؟».. ضبط المتهم بقتل محفظ القرآن فى البحيرة (صور)

, "Le shi'isme et le Coran", Le Coran des historiens, t The Didascalia Apostolorum as a Point of Departure
General Editor: Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Georgetown University, Washington DC

قرآن فلاش

Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth century 1984, in the Fifth century 1995, in the Sixth century vol.

Guillaume Dye, Pourquoi et comment se fait un texte canonique? on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday
Watt, An introduction to the Quran, Edinburgh University Press, 1977, p
«انت مش عارف أنا مين؟».. ضبط المتهم بقتل محفظ القرآن فى البحيرة (صور)
, partie Research Statements- Cuypers• Patricia Crone, Michael Cook, and Gerd R
"On pre-Islamic Christian strophic poetical texts in the Koran For more see: Osman, A
A Amir Moezzi, le chi'isme et le Coran, in le coran des historiens, I, CERF, 2019 Paris, p The Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics


Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts, Studia Semitica Upsaliensia 30: 442—467.

Yuya's titles included "Overseer of the Cattle of Amun and Min Lord of Akhmin ", "Bearer of the Ring of the King of Lower Egypt", "Mouth of the King of Upper Egypt", and "The Holy Father of the Lord of the Two Lands", among others
قرآن فلاش
Versteegh, Kees; Eid, Mushira; Elgibali, Alaa; Woidich, Manfred; Zaborski, Andrzej 2006—2009
قرآن فلاش
Critical Edition with an Introduction and Notes", p