الخسوف والکسوف. الخسوف والكسوف.. مفهومهما وكيفية حدوثهما!

Sharia law acts as a code for living that all Muslims should adhere to, including prayers, fasting and donations to the poor If a divorced Muslim woman wishes to re-marry her former husband, a sharia law makes it mandatory on her part to first marry a complete stranger, have sexual intercourse with him, and then obtain a voluntary divorce from this stranger
Jews had come to the United States as poor immigrants escaping persecution in Europe in the nineteenth century, yet were able to assimilate and, through hard work, make incredible contributions to American life Sharia is not a benign legal system, it is neither holy nor humanely

الحكمة من ظاهرة الكسوف والخسوف

Espenak, Fred August 28, 2009.

أسئلة مهمّة حول المهدی عجّل الله تعالى فرجه
Sharia is not entirely compatible with the spirit of Islam because most of Sharia law comes from outside the Quran
حدیث قدسی لَوْلَاکَ لَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْا َفْلَاک کی صحت اور حقیقی تشریح نیز پاکستان میں میلاد النبیؐ کے جلسے اور جلوس
For 360 years, see Harrington, p
خلافت اور مجددیت۔ خطبہ جمعہ 10؍ جون 2011ء
Muslims have to change their attitudes towards their history, they have to engage with the practical realities of the world
Once a system falls into the trap of power politics it is difficult to maintain ethics 870 Sahih Abu Dawood, compiled by Imam Abu Dawood d
Considering the fact that Islam does not permit the dynastic rule of kings, the above timeline clearly indicates that the Muslim kings caliphs first created sharia laws 700—850 to give Islamic legitimacy to their unIslamic rule An overwhelming number of laws contained in the books of sharia were written by men


The sharia law permitting unrestricted polygamy violates chapter 4, verses 3, 4, and 127.

پیشینه تاریخی ولایت فقیه (۱)
It is significant that these four jurists kept their distance from the power centre, despite repeated invitations from the caliphs
"Calendar years with five solar eclipses"
Shenjat kryesore e ardhjes së Imam Mehdiut në bazë të haditheve
The four versions are strikingly similar in major laws
Surely this will be the first step to bringing about an end to the systemic and institutional contempt for Jews that is embedded in the Hadith The question is, why did the Quran not finalize the process of establishing full human rights? NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Some medieval feudal and tribal laws have clung to Islam like parasites, devouring our spirit and our freedom from the clergy, which Muhammad offered, and the equality of men and women that we all deserve The notion of an Islamic State is utopian, based on hate and segregation

آنحضرت ﷺ کا اللہ تعالیٰ سے انتہائی درجہ کا قرب۔ خطبہ جمعہ 28؍ جنوری 2011ء

All laws that have come from outside the realm of democratically elected parliaments cannot be called laws.

كسوف الشمس
Sharia has become the governing tool of Political Islam
آنحضرت ﷺ کا اللہ تعالیٰ سے انتہائی درجہ کا قرب۔ خطبہ جمعہ 28؍ جنوری 2011ء
They have the backing of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which pumps billions of dollars into its worldwide Islamist enterprise by publishing anti-Semitic Islamic propaganda
آنحضرت ﷺ کا اللہ تعالیٰ سے انتہائی درجہ کا قرب۔ خطبہ جمعہ 28؍ جنوری 2011ء
Espenak, Fred March 24, 2008