عيادات بيلا ديرم. WiD su Foursquare

Derma Clinic aims at providing the highest possible healthcare in the fields of Dermatology, Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery and Laser Surgery At the moment, the clinic occupies an area of 3,200m2, housing more than fifty clinic rooms, over twenty five physicians and a vast resource of state-of-the-art infrastructure and medical technologies
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أفضل 18 طبيب جلدية في جدة تعرف عليهم
Derma Clinic is the leading center for Dermatology, Laser and Plastic Surgery in Saudi Arabia and the region
عيادة ديرم هير
The clinic is currently a major center with global quality, heavily involved in patient care, public and professional education and research
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Founded in 1996, on a 350m2 area with two Consultant Dermatologists and four examination rooms
La nostra Informativa sulla privacy per i Servizi ai consumatori e l'Informativa sulla privacy per i Servizi aziendali entreranno in vigore il 20 agosto 2020

عيادة كايا جدة


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