ادوارد مورداك. إدوارد الأول ملك إنجلترا

An account of Mordake's story was detailed in Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine: One of the weirdest, as well as the most melancholy stories of human deformity, is that of Edward Mordake, said to have been heir to one of the noblest peerages in England Avner Falk, Franks and Saracens: Reality and Fantasy in the Crusades, Jul 2010, p
"King Henry III and Saint Edward the Confessor: the origins of the cult" Pyle, included an account of Mordake

اغرب حالة انسان في التاريخ قصة واقعية ادوارد موردراك الرجل صاحب وجه الشيطان ووجه الملاك

The article describes a number of cases of what Hildreth refers to as "human freaks", including a woman who had the tail of a fish, a man with the body of a spider, a man who was half-crab, and Edward Mordake.

ترند الغرائب
The encyclopedia described the basic morphology of Mordake's condition, but it provided no medical diagnosis for the rare deformity
قصة الوجه الآخر لإدوارد موردريك
Hildreth, Charles Lotin December 8, 1895
ادوارد مورداک مردی با دو صورت + عکس
No imagination can conceive the dreadful temptations it sets before me
Writing Letters for the Blind " Such were the words of the hapless Mordake to Manvers and Treadwell, his physicians
Mordake is featured as the "2 Very Special Cases" on a list of "10 People with Extra Limbs or Digits" in the 1976 edition of Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine [ ] The 1896 medical encyclopedia Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine, co-authored by Dr

أحدهما طبيعي والآخر ضاحك نهارا مرعب ليلا.. إدوارد مودراك الرجل ذو الوجهين

I beg and beseech you to crush it out of human semblance, even if I die for it.

إدوارد مورديك
An explanation for the birth defect may have been a form of a parasitic twin head with an undeveloped body , a form of bifurcated craniofacial duplication , or an extreme form of an unequal conjoined twin
صدق.. الرجل ذو الوجهين
In spite of careful watching, he managed to procure poison, whereof he died, leaving a letter requesting that the "demon face" might be destroyed before his burial, "lest it continues its dreadful whisperings in my grave
داستان واقعی ادوارد مورداک مردی با دو چهره
Boese, Alex April 24, 2015