شعار مجموعة العشرين. قصة شعار مجموعة العشرين

830 44,570,000 2,780,400 Emerging 481 Safeguarding the Planet, by fostering collective efforts on food and water security, climate, energy and environment
4 2,025,866 2,442,144 34,349 39,637 0 In hosting the G20, the Kingdom will have an important role to play by sharing the perspective of the Middle East and North Africa region

إلى ماذا يرمز شعار الأعمال

1 2,829,163 3,128,185 42,261 45,705 0.

ما أبرز شعارات على مرّ السنين؟
891 65,098,000 640,679 Y Y Y Y Advanced 2,834 3,963,880 4,467,238 48,670 52,559 0
شعار مجموعة العشرين Png
1 1,417,003 1,369,392 56,698 52,373 0
ما أبرز شعارات على مرّ السنين؟
915 126,431,000 377,930 Y Y Y Y Advanced 915
The 2020 G20 meetings will be discussing the following:• 9 1,100,911 3,743,159 4,120 13,230 0 707 265,316,000 1,904,569 Y Y Y Emerging 1,047
Saudi Arabia's G20 Presidency A special page on the occasion of the start of the Saudi Arabia's presidency of the G20 meetings on December 1, 2019, which will continue until the end of November 2020, when the Kingdom decided to coordinate the group's work under the theme of Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All Combating corruption and enhancing integrity

السعودي يصمّم بتألّق شعار قمة العشرين في الرياض

938 25,182,000 7,692,024 Y Y Y Y Advanced 650.

إلى ماذا يرمز شعار الأعمال
920 66,466,000 242,495 Y Y Y Y Y Advanced 4,278 21,344,667 21,344,667 62,606 62,606 0
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's G20 Presidency
Throughout the year, representatives from G20 countries gather to discuss financial and socioeconomic issues
شعار قمة مجموعة العشرين: اندماج وتضامن الصين_goffsoft.com Arabic
The Engagement Groups work under the umbrella of the G20 to develop policy recommendations that are formally submitted to G20 leaders for consideration