عنوان وطني مؤسسة. طريقة عمل وتسجيل عنوان وطني جديد

Identify the location and address of the company or organization, whether on the map, or through address information After submitting: you will receive a notification of transaction number
ID or Iqama Residence Permit If "Proof Address" is chosen then a proof of address will be previewed and ready to prin

Registration of National Address

Log in to the Gov.

Registration of National Address
The new address should be correct
كيفية حذف العنوان الوطني بسهولة من مكانك خطوة بخطوة
طريقة عمل وتسجيل عنوان وطني جديد
If "Update Address" is chosen then fill Property information , Address Information , and summary
fill in all the required company or organization data Locate the address of the company or organization either on the map or through the address data
Log in with the National Single Sign-On Save and note the address with the input data

مؤسسة وطني الامارات

Enter the National Address service website.

Registration of National Address
العنوان الوطني شرط للحصول على التأمين
كيف اعرف عنواني الوطني 1442