اعراض حمل خارج الرحم. الحمل خارج الرحم.. الأسباب والأعراض

"The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the human fallopian tube during the menstrual cycle and in ectopic pregnancy" "Total corporal synechiae due to tuberculosis carry a very poor prognosis following hysteroscopic synechialysis"
"Cervical pregnancy in Asherman's syndrome [article in Polish]" Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad: JAMC

حمل خارج الرحم: الأسباب، الأعراض، المضاعفات

"Management of ectopic pregnancy: a two-year study".

حقائق سريعة: الحمل خارج الرحم (المُنتَبذ)
Nama, Vivek; Manyonda, Isaac 2008-07-30
حمل منتبذ
Page EW, Villee CA, Villee DB 1976
أسباب الحمل خارج الرحم وعلاجه
"Total corporal synechiae due to tuberculosis carry a very poor prognosis following hysteroscopic synechialysis"
Lyons RA, Saridogan E, Djahanbakhch O 2006 Clark L, Raymond S, Stanger J, Jackel G 1989
Al-Azemi M, Refaat B, Amer S, Ola B, Chapman N, Ledger W 2009 "The reproductive significance of human Fallopian tube cilia"

حمل خارج الرحم: الأسباب، الأعراض، المضاعفات

"Full-term abdominal pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature".

أسباب الحمل خارج الرحم وعلاجه
"Intra-uterine adhesions: an updated appraisal"
الحمل خارج الرحم
"Management of ectopic pregnancy: a two-year study"
حمل منتبذ
In The Practice of Physick, Book 15