مركز تداوي. Tadawi Medical Center Medical Center

Founder and Consultant Dermatologist DR I founded Tadawi Medical Center to provide a wide range of medical, health and wellbeing services under one roof for you and your family
For over three decades I have been working to provide Qatar with the best medical doctors, services, and technologies from the health industry internationally I invite you to tour our services and products hoping you find those that best suit your health and lifestyle needs

دكتورة نوال العالم

I founded Tadawi Medical Center to provide a wide range of medical, health and wellbeing services under one roof for you and your family.

دكتورة نوال العالم
٪٪ اسم الموقع ٪٪ مركز طبي
For over three decades I have been working to provide Qatar with the best medical doctors, services, and technologies from the health industry internationally
I invite you to tour our services and products hoping you find those that best suit your health and lifestyle needs
Founder and Consultant Dermatologist DR

مجمع تداوى الطبى فى قطر


٪٪ اسم الموقع ٪٪ مركز طبي
مجمع تداوي الطبي
Tadawi Medical Center Medical Center