ابن رشيد. ما لا تعرفه عن ابن رشد .. من هو؟ سيرته الذاتية، إنجازاته وأقواله ومعتقداته، معلومات عن ابن رشد

, Arab Studies Quarterly ASQ He had no patience and no ability to handle the tribesmen
Away to the north the Shammar tribes had united under one Mohamed ibn Rashid, a capable, ambitious man, who had made his capital in the town of Hail and who coveted Riad and the other rich villages of Nejd• The country round the town of Riad itself was full of raiding parties of uncontrolled bedouin

ابن رشيد، محمد بن عمر، 1259

"Islamic astronomy", Scientific American 254 10 , p.

ابن رُشيد الفهري وأولى الرحلات المغربية المدوّنة إلى الحجاز
, Everything you wanted to know about Islam but was afraid to Ask, Philosophia Islamica
آل رشید
He was a freebooter and a destroyer
ابن رُشيد الفهري وأولى الرحلات المغربية المدوّنة إلى الحجاز

ابن رشد


ابن رشد
آل رشید
محمد بن عبد الله بن علي الرشيد