Allah informed us that the People of the Book, except for a few among them, ignored these orders, that is, they knowingly and intentionally abandoned them | But with the exception of a few, you all slid back from it and are paying no heed to it even now |
Menurut suatu qiraat 'husna' dengan 'ha' baris di depan dan 'sin' sukun yang merupakan mashdar atau kata benda dan dipergunakan sebagai sifat dengan maksud untuk menyatakan 'teramat' artinya teramat baik |
English - Sahih International : And [recall] when We took the covenant from the Children of Israel [enjoining upon them] "Do not worship except Allah; and to parents do good and to relatives orphans and the needy And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah" Then you turned away except a few of you and you were refusing• Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful.
kepada kedua orang tua dengan sebaik-baiknya maksudnya berbakti selain itu juga kaum kerabat athaf pada al-waalidain anak-anak yatim dan orang-orang miskin serta ucapkanlah kepada manusia kata-kata yang baik misalnya menyuruh pada yang baik dan melarang dari yang mungkar, berkata jujur mengenai diri Muhammad dan ramah tamah terhadap sesama manusia | And when We made a covenant with the children of Israel: You shall not serve any but Allah and you shall do good to your parents, and to the near of kin and to the orphans and the needy, and you shall speak to men good words and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate |
and Al-Masakin the poor , plural for Miskin, the one who does not find what he needs to spend on himself and his family | Dan dirikanlah salat serta bayarkan zakat! Sesungguhnya kamu telah memberikan ikrar tersebut |
Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide even now.