The undoing. The Undoing: A Psychologist on Hugh Grant's Character

With comedian Jason Harris, he co-hosts the podcast There is an overuse of certain images
What do you make of that? The result is that the people who should be helping Grace and seeking justice come off as self-righteous jerks, while she flounders in response to their glares and insinuations Warning: This post contains spoilers for The Undoing

The Undoing

He could be showcasing his empathic behavior—we see Grace and other parents are there—and acting empathic for manipulative needs.

The Undoing (series)
Edited excerpts of our conversation follow
The Undoing: A Psychologist on Hugh Grant's Character
Can you really be married to someone like Jonathan and miss all these signs about his behavior? Left behind in the wake of a spreading and very public disaster, Grace must dismantle one life and create another for her child and her family
The Undoing: A Psychologist on Hugh Grant's Character
What do you think this new revelation about his sister means about his behavior? One of the things that I would really like to do if I ever had the time is develop a website for judges, lawyers and other professionals so that they really grasp because so much of it is just caricatured and misconstrued in the media, in the movies
Why did she go on these walks? So I would have to suppose that this psychotherapist, no matter how skilled this person is, has some potential vulnerability The term sociopath is problematic
Minor points but they come across as lazy Kidman plays Grace Fraser, a therapist for well-off clients with marital troubles, whose teenage son Henry Noah Jupe attends the exclusive Rearden School

The Undoing

What we have to see are repeated red flags, repeated disturbances in identity, excessive grandiosity and using other people for your own game.

REVIEW: HBO's The Undoing Is a Weak, Disappointing Thriller
What do you make of her behavior? And we need to see real, fundamental lapses in intimacy and empathy
The Undoing: A Psychologist on Hugh Grant's Character
But individuals with psychopathic propensities target people who have some vulnerability
The Undoing: A Psychologist on Hugh Grant's Character
David Giesbrecht We also see that Grace took a walk the night of the murder, but has no recollection of doing so